Letter 2344

Johann Georg Steigertahl to Hans Sloane – August 25, 1719

Item info

Date: August 25, 1719
Author: Johann Georg Steigertahl
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4045
Folio: ff. 231-232

Original Page


Fager told Steigertahl that Sloane sent a package to Hamburg. He comments on the use of mercury: ‘L’observation cy jointe sur l’expansion su mercure est fort curieuse, si elle reussit toujours’. He sends his regards to the Royal Society, Sloane’s wife, and his daughter. Johann Georg Steigertahl (1666-1740) was the personal physician to George I of England. He was a member of the Royal Society and secured the purchase of Engelbert Kaempfer’s collection of East Asian curiosities for Sir Hans Sloane in 1723 (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Georg_Steigerthal).

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