Letter 2378

Salusbury Cade to Hans Sloane – March 11, 1719/20

Item info

Date: March 11, 1719/20
Author: Salusbury Cade
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4045
Folio: f. 296

Original Page


Cade informs Sloane that Mr Bernard, a clerk to the Surgeon’s Company, billed the organization for several plants. There was supposed to have been an agreement that the plants were not to be billed to it. Cade thinks it his duty to inform Sloane of the situation. Salusbury Cade (c. 1660-1720) was a physician. He worked in the Old Bailey (Norman Moore, ‘Cade, Salusbury (c.1660–1720)’, rev. Patrick Wallis, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/4295, accessed 11 July 2014]).

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