Letter 2481

Richard Richardson to Hans Sloane – July 22, 1721

Item info

Date: July 22, 1721
Author: Richard Richardson
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4046
Folio: ff. 106-107

Original Page


[fol. 106] North Beirley July 22 1721 Honer’d Sir I some time agoe received your obliging letter & on Saterday last your kind present of very valuable Bookes, such as I could expect from no hand but your own, for which I must ever remain your Debtor, & shall always with due gratitue [sic] acknowledge in the same Box I have returned such a collection of Birds egs as the wet spring & my own infirmity would allow me to pick up, which I hope much to inlarge if of time to see an other season; being at so great a distance from the sea nothing of sea fowle can be exspected from hence you wil find [dup]licats of most of the eggs I have sent & severall nests of the small Bird kind […] added a few mosses to them (which I met with this sumer upon the Mores). […] fair specimen or two of Helebourne folÿs prolongis angustis acitis R.S.M. which I wish may be worth casting your eye upon if I can in any respect be servicable to you you may always be assured of the best endeavours of your much obliged servant Ric: Richardson you wil find both eggs & nests numbered according to this list no. 1. A Garrion Crow 2. A magpye 3. A Jay 4. A misle Bird 5. A song Thrush – – – A nest 6. A Black bird – – – A nest 7. A Water Hen 8. A Sandpipe 9. A Kings Fisher 10. A Bank martin 11. A Swift or Church Martin 12. The Lesser Butcher Bird – A nest 13. A Sky Larke – – – A nest 14. A Tot Larke a nest 15. A Hedge sparrow a nest 16. A Whin chatter a nest 17. The small bird without name like ye […] Willoughbys arnitholog: p. 217 18. a red start – a nest 19. a Robin red brest – a nest 20. a sparrow 21. a yellow Hamir – a nest 22. a Bunbing 23. a chafich – a nest 24. a gould Finch – a nest 25. a great Finch – a nest 26. a lemon Lenet A nest 27. The great red Lenet 28. The les red Lenet 29. The great Tetonouse a nest 30. The blue Tetonouse 31. pettychaps a nest 32. a swallow 33. a white Throat a nest a nest 34. a black cap a nest 35. unknown 36. unknown 37. unknown 38. unknown

Richardson was a physician and botanist who traveled widely in England, Wales, and Scotland in search of rare specimens. He corresponded and exchanged plants with many well-known botanists and naturalists (W. P. Courtney, Richardson, Richard (16631741), rev. Peter Davis, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, May 2010 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/23576, accessed 31 May 2011]).

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