Letter 2489

Samuel Dwight to Hans Sloane – August 18, 1721

Item info

Date: August 18, 1721
Author: Samuel Dwight
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4046
Folio: ff. 120-121

Original Page


[fol. 121] Sir, These two Days past Mrs Gray has had Griping Stools, about 3 times in a day. They are attended with Faintness. Nevertheless she is pretty hearty on the Days of Intermission. Her Stomack retains every thing she takes better than it did. Which I take to be a good token. But if her Loseness continues or encreases, I presume it will be of bad consequence. I have ventur’d to order Burnt Harts-horn Decoction with Cinnamon: and thought of an Astringent Clyster, to prevent farther danger; but have not order’d it yet. This is all the Account I can give at present of her. In the mean time wait to know, whether yu approve of such a Clyster, or will think of another Method. I with any may be found effectual. If you’le be pleas’d to assist farther in this Affair, you’le very much oblige Mr Gray and Me Your humble serv’t Samuel Dwight

Samuel Dwight was a physician and author. He wrote two medical treatises of note, one of which was dedicated to Sir Hans Sloane (Gordon Goodwin, Dwight, Samuel (16681737), rev. Michael Bevan, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/8339, accessed 16 July 2013]).

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