Letter 2536

Belinda to Hans Sloane – January 5, 1721/22

Item info

Date: January 5, 1721/22
Author: Belinda
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4046
Folio: ff. 173-174

Original Page


[fol. 173] Sr may not wee this once happy nation take up […] lamentation now and say was there ever any sorrow like our sorrows almost ruined by south sea while none but court parisites bribed senators who have plunderd the nation are able to live and to complet the misery by the advice of Mead that scotch quack wee are to be shutt up in pest hoves garded by soldeirs and hired watchmen who shall were the plauge is one us tho it be but a common feavor as it is in france what can be expected from such an act of parliment but death and missery famished within the barracks shott if one ventures out who but Turkish Vizers or Janissaries could have thought on such a projct in Ingland only that our minister may like the Grand Signoire be heir to every deceased person oh liberty oh justice where are you fled those dere names are now in the power of the Bashaes[…] Wallpools cruell avaritions destroyers of thire fellowe creaturs but what can be expected from Atheist it is commonly said that you Sr. was not for this barbarous act and I am very willing to […] belive you were not haveing alwayes approved your self a person of great charity to thee poor and […] the rich Religeous in your family I am your patient honouw the Phisitian as I ought to doe and you much […] haveing received much benefit from yr good advice I will leave you to geess who I am till I have an opportunity to see you oh Sr is it now to late to use your intrest to prevent this fatall stroke if it be not thosands and ten thousands will be nound to pray for you Task. pardon for giveing you [this] trouble but as I and many others are in […] outmost consternation have unburthened my mallencholy thoughts which keeps me wakeing when I should sleep I am Sr with thee greatest respect yr most humble Servant disconsolate Belinda Jan: ye 5 1721

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