Letter 2550

James Blackley to Hans Sloane – February 2, 1721/22

Item info

Date: February 2, 1721/22
Author: James Blackley
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4046
Folio: f. 197

Original Page


[fol. 197] Sr The Assistance you have given ye African Comp by your advice and Correction of the Catalogue & specimen of Drugs sent over to Guinea makes me hope I shall be excused this trouble, as it arises only from an Inclination to improve so good a design. If any thing I offer as a further help to their being discovered, may possibly merit S.r Hans Sloane’s Incouragement, I shall esteem my self very happy in that as I have many obligations to ye Comp, and having employed some part of my time in the study of Physick, I think an Attempt to serve them in any Capacity is but my duty. It will be a very great honour done me, to be favoured with an opportunity of laying my design before you, and receiving your Opinion whither the Prosecution of this and some other thoughts in Physick, may be of any use to ye Comp or not I am Sr with greatest Respect your most obedient humble servt James Blackley Feb. 2d. 1721[/22] African house Leaden hall street S.r Hans Sloane

James Blackley, of the African Company.

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