Letter 2578

Benjamin Habakkuk Jackson to Hans Sloane – June 21, 1723

Item info

Date: June 21, 1723
Author: Benjamin Habakkuk Jackson
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4047
Folio: ff. 9-10

Original Page


[fol. 9] London June 21st 1723 Sr I Thankfully Acknowledg your favour in being Willing to Introduce me to the Royall Society to shew my swimming Invention and Quadrant and I should have been there to have waited upon them Yesterday; But before I Do that I was willing to make the Following proposal to your self. That, whereas I have a Pattent for these Swimming Invention which is Universally approv’d, upon many Tryalls in the Water, as sufficient to Preserve Life, in all Cases of Shipwreck at Sea, And the Cramps, and all other accidents in swimming for Pleasure, whereby there will be A Call for a vast Number of ’em, and it will Require a great Stock, to Carry on the Makeing of ’em, than I have to Employ therein. If You shall think fitt to find Stock for the Purpose, I shall be willing to Manage the Makeing and Sale of the Swimmers on your account, by vertue of the Priviledg of my Pattent, and shall be Content with A Reasonable Part of the Proffit, upon that account of my mannagement. If you are Pleasd to take this into your Consideration, There May a very Great Proffit arise without any Hazard Imediately without any Delay, the season being Now come for this work; And this Matter shall be Settled to your full satisfaction. Sr I shall soon wait for you on this account, And am with all Due Respects Sr Your most Humble Servant B.H. Jackson.

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