Letter 2581

Richard Bradley to Hans Sloane – June 23, 1722

Item info

Date: June 23, 1722
Author: Richard Bradley
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4046
Folio: f. 251

Original Page


[fol. 251] Sr Since the Unfortunate Affair at Kensington whereby I lost all my Substance, My Expectations and my friends I have Endeavourd to support my self at the publick Expence, and the publick have been so good Natured to give me sufficient support & Enable me to pay about two hundred pounds debt besides what I have lost by booksellers which would have done at much more. I shall for a little while continue to publish some monthly papers as farr as they related to the Explaining of Queries proposed in the former months & to help me in the mean time to conclude a work so Vexatious as following the press I have the care of the Enclosed work which I may Gain two Eight parts for the books which I can gett subscribed and I hope such of My Acquaintance as are Curious will Give their Assistance. I have about twenty plates Engraved for the third & fourth Decades of succulent plants & am promis’d the Assistance of Mr. Du Bois & Mr. Sherard I have some friends at Court who do not care I should go abroad tho my Inclinations are for it, Even into the Most Dangerous country; but to live upon Expectations at home is as bad as it can be to venture ones Life among Savages abroad; but to free my Self from both these I would Chuse to have a Garden of Experiments for General use, Such as I should have Accomplisht if I had not had the Kensington Misfortune & by that means I might gain an Improving Settlement and I hope do my Country some Service without restraint of Booksellers. This Sr I submit to your consideration & humbly beg your Advice I am Sr Your Most Obedient humb Servt R Bradley Saterday June 23 1722

Richard Bradley (1688?-1732) was a scientific author, Fellow of the Royal Society, and Professor of Botany at Cambridge (Frank N. Egerton, “Bradley, Richard (1688?-1732)”, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, May 2005 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/3189, accessed 10 Nov 2012]).

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