Letter 2585

Thomas Lovell to Hans Sloane – March 6, 1719/20

Item info

Date: March 6, 1719/20
Author: Thomas Lovell
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4076
Folio: f. 42

Original Page


(f. 42r) Sr, I doubt not, but that you have thought me tedious in not writing to you, since I left the town: I had some acci- dental business unforeseen when I was with you, which occasion’d my delay of following your prescriptions till this last month: I have now gon through them and though I cannot yet perceive any benefit from them, yet I must own they have had some effect upon my eyes, by causing a more than ordina- ry pain in them. Be pleased, Sr, to fa- vour me with a line, if you can be any thing beneficial to me, who is your most obedient and most devoted Humble Servt Tho. Lovell Be pleased to direct for me to be left at Mr Chrisloes in Grantham Lincolns.

Penny post stamp and remains of red wax seal on exterior of letter.

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: N/A Thomas Lovell
    Gender: Male
  • Description

    Apparently a man who travels a lot, given his reference to busy-ness, as well as different locations given for where he was writing the letter and the destination for Sloane's reply.

  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:
    Ongoing Treatment:

    Sloane noted a short prescription at the bottom of the letter, which included bleeding: venesect. vesicator. tinct. facr. Jeaceph.


    Patient reports receiving no benefit from treatment Sloane had prescribed.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Pain, Eyes