Letter 2586

Timothy Lovett to Hans Sloane – Feb: 21 1722

Item info

Date: Feb: 21 1722
Author: Timothy Lovett
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4076
Folio: f. 44

Original Page


f. 44r Honored Sr I have received the things from ye Apoticary but I Am not willing to make use of them untill I hear from you pray Lett me beg the favour of a few lines that I may know yr opinion of my distemper live or die & ^what^ meat I may eat and what Liqour I may drink & whether a dram of good brandy now & then be hurtful or noe. I have had one Issue in my Left arm above forty year if I must have another Let it be in ye Legg because i cannot com at it to dress it behinde on my shoulders pray order everything for ye best & I will gratife yu who Am Sr your very humble servant Timothy Lovett 3 times a week ye post coms to this towne. My Flesh my strength & breath failes me occasioned by thick flegme. I believe my whole mass of blood is corrupted. I believe bleeding can doe me no harme. Pray let me have yr opinion.

Traces of postmark and black seal on exterior of envelope. Reference to postal service in Amersham.

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: N/A Timothy Lovett
    Gender: Male
    Age:Over forty.
  • Description

    Has had issue in arm for over 40 years.

  • Diagnosis

    Patient suffers from failing health and strength accompanied by thick phlegm. Patient believes his blood to be corrupted.

  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:
    Ongoing Treatment:

    Patient has yet to begin the treatment prescribed by Sloane and he requests guidelines on what he may eat and drink while undergoing the cure.

  • More information

    Domestic medical practicalities referenced — e.g. difficulty of reaching certain types of issues, regimen to be followed, and use of apothecary.

  • Medical problem reference
    Pain, Blood