Letter 2593

John Merrick to Hans Sloane – August 1, 1717

Item info

Date: August 1, 1717
Author: John Merrick
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4076
Folio: ff. 74-75

Original Page


Fols. 75-76 I was sent for last night to Mr Fanshaw who was seiz’d on the road yesterday on his journey from London to Sergeant Stevens house at … near Henly on Thames with a kind of Apoplectick fitt, which deprived him for some hours of all sense. He was blooded but a small quantity by reason he had lost about … the day before; he has also vesicatorys applyd and pidgeons to his feet which brought him to his senses and speech about 3 o’clock this morning. But I find somewhat of a faltering in ye accent of his words, which I fear may portend a paralytick disorder on ye return of another paroxysm unless it should be relieved speedily. I have prescribed beside ye aforementioned means cephalick and nervous powders in pulvis de gutteta, native cinnaber with a julep of waters of black cherries, rue, peony compound, bryony compound, tincture of castor, spirit of lavender compound. But this Gentleman as I am informed having been relieved by your successful prescriptions in a fitt of ye like nature lately and begg the favour of yr sentiments…

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: Mr. Fanshaw
  • Description
  • Diagnosis


  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:


    Ongoing Treatment:

    Blooded; vesicatories applied; pidgeons applied to the feet; cephalic & nervous powders [pulvis de gutteta, native cinnaber with a julep of waters of black cherries, rue, peony compound, bryony compound, tincture of castor, spirit of lavender compound].

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  • Medical problem reference