Letter 2605

Daniel Malthus to Hans Sloane – October 7, 1709

Item info

Date: October 7, 1709
Author: Daniel Malthus
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4076
Folio: f. 106

Original Page


f. 106 Sr. Dr. Arbuthnott hath been three days afflicted with a violent cholick, with vomiting and paine in his back, which gives him suspicion of stone or gravel, though all his bowells seem attacked Her Majesty order’d that a Phisician whom he Should chuse Should be Sent for, He beggs the favour of you, and that you will bring Dr. Oliphant with you, of which I have given him notice, he lives in a new court Between Wind= =mill Street and Rupert Street, I think it is called Panton court. I have by his direction acquainted Sr. Rid. Blackmon with his condition, and desired his advice, which will be brought you by the bearer if he meets him, but you will please not to tarry for that, He hath used purg= =ing, and glysters with Venied weacte[?], and with torpentine and Laudanum, I received your Letter and gave Mr Poter an account of it, I am Sr. Yr obliged humble Sert Dan’ of Malthus Windsor Castle Octbr 7 1709 near 9 in yr forenoon [letter continues sideways in the left margin] pray let the bearer carry Do Oliphant word when you will call him.

Daniel Malthus (1651-1717) served as apothecary to Queen Anne and George I and was the great-grandfather of the political economist and demographer Thomas Robert Malthus (J. M. Pullen, ‘Malthus, (Thomas) Robert (1766–1834)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, May 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/17902, accessed 7 July 2014]).

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