Letter 2613

S. Mapletoft to Hans Sloane – August 15, 1724

Item info

Date: August 15, 1724
Author: S. Mapletoft
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4076
Folio: ff. 127-128

Original Page


Fols. 127-128 I beg leave to remember you…Mr Greenhill was to consult you in a settled disorder of his head, a species of vertigo, brought upon him first by removing from Hartfordshire a clear sharp air to … a dampy fen air, in which he has been about ten years, his first disorder was just upon entrance, a slow continued nervous feaver, which went of[f] but sluggishly and seems to have shock’d and weaken’d the whole nervous system the badness of the air still contributing, that life is con’t but with unplesantness not long before He apply’d to you. He was gradually seiz’d with near a total desperation of life. his Blood stagnating in his extreme parts and they went cold, but was happily relieved and only then, by bleeding. He is about five and thirty years of age and born certainly with as strong and firm stamina vitae as any man and is as well and robust as possible this unhappiness above excepted, has much endeavour’d to make out for the air by increase exercise, in an use of which, He says always, he is better but no sooner discon’t, than a return of his disorder, He is of a plethorick habit and eats moderately drinks and sleeps very well, but no sooner wakens than than the usual complaint, He bleeds as oft as there seems any advanced fulness of blood, takes vomits, purges and has us’d the most efficacious alteratives but always without any sensible relife, though I do imagine they back future ills; but this is justly observable. He never changes ye air, but finds an almost immediate abatement of this disorder [Sloane: Elect, cephal. chalybeat, pil calhart]

Patient Details