Letter 2640

Lincoln to Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle – October 1, 1729

Item info

Date: October 1, 1729
Author: Lincoln
Recipient: Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4076
Folio: f. 159

Original Page


Fol. 159 Ld Clinton’s cold is much better now and I do not perceive he is at all weaker or less active, than when I came, but rather mends in that respect every day, but since he has had it. He has of evenings been too hot, and what I am sure is, having a little fever for some few hours, and then comes to good temper again. There is a physician in this town, who I was obliged to send for to the other children, and as I found him a plain reasonable man, tho’ not an eminent one, I was willing to hear what he said; He assures me with great positiveness that the child’s lungs cannot yet be touched by the exercise He sees him use with ease and he’s being generally so free from fever. He says indoubtedly [sic], there is a great tendency towards it, and that it requires the utmost care to prevent it, He thinks the present feaverishness that alarms me, is of no consequence but proceeds from a little disorder at his stomach, as he has had a little purging with it, and I have by the Doctor’s advice given him some Rhubarb and syrup of sychory, which he thinks will carry it quite off, as I find by Him and others that this is not a proper place for winter, tho’ yet it is v. fine weather here and I am impatient to move him whilst it is so, and shall therefore lett him and Lady Ann sett out tomorrow for Aix. It is four days journey from hence to Aix, and I think the travelling is good for him, and am in hopes that as the air agreed with him so well last winter it will do so again, whilst the cold weather lasts. Her Ldyp desires to know, in case the air of Aix should not agree with Ld Clinton, whether it would not be right to move Him into Italy, what time will be the most proper for him to go, and how long should he stay there?

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: Lord Clinton
  • Description

    Lord Clinton was suffering from a cold, accompanied by 'a little fever'.

  • Diagnosis

    Cold, with a slight fever. Possible cause was a stomach disorder.

  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:

    Purging of stomach; on the advice of a local physician he was given rhubarb and syrup of sychory.

    Ongoing Treatment:

    Lady Lincoln was disposed to given Lord Clinton a change of air, in the spirit of exercise and travel, moving from Vigan to Aix. There was also discussion about whether the air in Italy might be more suitable for Lord Clinton.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Fevers, Colds, Stomach