Letter 2671

W. Parker to Hans Sloane – December 29, 1725

Item info

Date: December 29, 1725
Author: W. Parker
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4076
Folio: f. 223

Original Page


(f. 223) Cranbrook in Kent Decr ye 29th 1725 Sr A young gentleman, who has been my patient for some time, being desirous of better advice, I thought he could apply himself no where better than to yours. The case has appear’d to me to be as follows. The Gentleman is about 21 years of age. I was first sent for to him in June last, he then complain’d of a dry, husky cough, spitting little or nothing, had a very quick pulse, night sweats though not to any great degree, more feverish a night than a days, some difficulty in breathing, wasting in flesh, appetite as likewise, digestion pretty tollerable, neither stools nor urine much alter’d from a healthy person. I order’d him an Electuary (after a gentle purge) of conserv. Ros. rub. fruct. cynosbat. pulv. Haly & coral.rub. drinking after it a draught of a decoction of sarsa, china, ering. condit. some times with equal parts of warm milk from ye cow, some times alone; as also a linctus for his cough of oyl and pectoral syrup, some times oyl & Diacodium as his cough afflicted him more or less. He found some relief by this but not so much as expected. I then order’d him Dr. Morton’s balsamic pills taking after ym a draught of the decoction of ye cortex in which was boil’d some Balsam of tolu; as also some balsamic lozenges for his cough. These had so good effect as to recover him again to a pretty good state of health, his night sweats went off, as did his fever and quickness of pulse, a little of his cough remain’d but not very troublesome, his appetite & digestion became good, and he rested as well as usual a nights. (f. 223v) In October last I was call’d to him again, I found him in a violent peripneumonick fever, from a cold lately taken as we could judge; his pulse very quick & high, great difficulty of breathing, dry black tongue, a vexatious cough but expectorated very little during ye violence of ye fever or after a very restless nights with sweats now & then toward morning. I order’d him to be let blood immediately, his blood was very sizy, I would have repeated bleeding, but his strength fail’d so fast yt I thought it dangerous to attempt. I order’d him boluses of pulv. e. chel. comp & sperm. ceti. with pectoral decoctions, oyly linctuses, blisters and ye like, ’till I gott ye violence of ye Fever pretty well abated; after that I put him upon drinking Asses milk with testaceous powders & order’d him also a Decoction of ye cortex as before to be taken at stated times between his milk, all wch he continues still to take but not with much success. His quick pulse with hectic heats still remains, as does his dry vexatious cough and some difficulty of breathing, the asses milk seems to agree with his stomach very well, but he getts flesh or strength but very slowly. He sweats a little sometimes towards morning, but sleeps pretty well unless disturb’d by his cough. His stools are & have been very regular. His appetite not very good but what he eats, he seems to digest well enough. I fear these may be Tubercles breeding in his Lungs. This Sr is all yt occurs to me at present of ye case, as having but a very short time allow’d one to write in. However I am particularly glad to have any opportunity of returning you any hearty thanks for ye favour I received from you, when you were pleas’d to give me your advice and recommendation to follow my studies under ye learned Dr Boerhaave at Leyden, which will allways be gratefully remember’d by Sr Yr most oblig’d humble servant W Parker

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: N/A Young Gentleman
    Age:About 21 years of age
  • Description

    Patient initially complained of "a dry, husky cough", lack of saliva, a quick pulse, sweating (more profuse at night than in the day), some difficulty in breathing, wasting of the flesh and appetite diminished. Digestion was tolerable and his stools and urine were healthy.

  • Diagnosis

    fol. 224, Sloane's scribbled prescription: "pulv. cort. linct. lac Ammonia. oxymel. serllit.[?] fontanell. super scapul."

  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:

    Patient was proscribed an electuary, taken after a "gentle purge", and a decoction, lintus for his cough as well as a pectoral syrup. A diacodium was also prescribed as were Dr Morton's balsamic pills, to be taken after a decoction, and balsamic lozenges for his cough.

    Ongoing Treatment:

    A second course of treatment, after the patient suffered a relapse in his condition, was that he be blooded - though his physical condition made this only possible once - and given boulses, pectoral decoc, oyly linctuses and blisters. He was also given asses milk to drink.


    The patient responded well to the initial course of treatment given in June and seemed to recover his health. A relapse in October saw the same symptoms return with similar intensity. A new course of treatment was provided but not with the success of the previous regimen.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Fevers, Coughs, Wasting