Letter 2678

Horatio Pettus to Hans Sloane – November 26, 1716

Item info

Date: November 26, 1716
Author: Horatio Pettus
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4076
Folio: f. 244

Original Page


Fol. 244 This comes to returne my wife’s and my thanks to you for your care and attendance of my poor girl at Mrs Drapers; to whom (under God) we must own the preservation of her life. I desire you’d do all you can for her bad cough; which I hear is now upon her. Mrs Draper I hope has supply’d my part to you; and desire in this acceptance of our service’s; and particularly that of him… [P.S.] My wife and selfe, joynes in service to your Lady; and fair daughters.

Sir Horatio Pettus, 4th Baronet of Rackheath, married Elizabeth Meeres and had a daughter named Anna Maria Pettus (http://www.thepeerage.com/p42664.htm#i426634).

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