Letter 2715

Henry Barham Sr. to Hans Sloane – January 3, 1722

Item info

Date: January 3, 1722
Author: Henry Barham Sr.
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4046
Folio: ff. 325-326

Original Page


[fol. 325] Worthy Sr I hope you Recd the Several letters I have Sent to you & the Last I Sent by the Bershea Giving an account of the Great & Terrable Storme Wee had 28th of August Last I am now in Daily Expectation of Hearing from you with a Sight of your 2nd Volume of Jamaica; I am Sorry I am Obliged to Lett you know that I Cannot Get my Salary & that the undertaking is Laid a Side by the Patenters Agents Here by Orders from England as they Say but not for Want of mines one wch I had Just Discoverd in a Round Sugar Loaf Hill at the Head of Golden River wch Runs into Rio Pedro wch Runs into Rio Cobra that Runs by the Town of St Iago dela Vega this Hill is full of Copper Veins wch I Question not Would have Led the miners to a Course or Load of Oar if they had been Continued I Could Extract fine Copper out of the Superficial Oars & they had Dugg but 6 foot into it before they were Called off & Since they have Given Over the Work it is but Just I should be Paid & Discharged & I begg the Favour if you or Some friend of yours that have any Influence Upon Col Long to use their Endeavours to persuade Col Long to pay me there or Here & I Shall be bound ever to pray for you I have a years salary due to me the first of November Last wch is five Hundred pound & I had better have Given a Thousand pound than have ever been Concerned in it & I Must Now follow my Old Way of Selling Medecines to the Planters as I used to Doe & if you know of any Apothycary that Will Adventure that Way & Will Let me know His proposals: as to Risk & Returns I Will Send an Invoy’s of what is Demanded Here wch nobody knows better than my Self having Delt that Way above 20 years & I Shall Endeavour to Gett from the Main Contenant what American Druggs is to be had there &c[.] His Grace the Duke of Portland Arrived in Good Health with His Dutches & 2 Daughters December 20th: D: 4: 1722 & hath made Major Ayscough Chief Justice The Kings House not being quite Repaired Cine the Storme Major Rose Gave the Duke an Invitation to take His House wch He Accepted off & He is made one of the Council but He Lays He & His Mother Will goe for England in the Spring & if I Can be any Ways Servicable to you Mr. Fuller Mr. Istead or any of your Family I Should be proud to Serve them this is all at Present I can Inform you a Line or two Would be very Acceptable to your most Huble [sic] Servant to Command Henry Barham Jamaica January 3d 1722 Dr Winter hath been with me but brought no Letter from you as I was in hopes of He Seems to be a young Man if not a young Physitian

Henry Barham (1670?-1726) was a botanist. He lived in Jamaica and corresponded with Sloane on the plant and animal life of the island. Parts of Barham’s letters to Sloane appeared in the latter’s Natural History of Jamaica (T. F. Henderson, Barham, Henry (1670?1726), rev. Anita McConnell, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/1374, accessed 13 June 2011]).

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