Letter 2861

Richard Richardson to Hans Sloane – August 18, 1722

Item info

Date: August 18, 1722
Author: Richard Richardson
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4046
Folio: ff. 284-285

Original Page


[fol. 285] Hon’d Sr I have not been so successful in adding to the collection of Birds Eggs I sent you the last season as I hoped for, but what I met with that you had not from hence the following List wil acquaint you. 1. The Buzzard 2. The brown or Joy Owl 3. The white church Owl 4. The Sparrow Hawke 5. The Stonegall 6. The Raven 7. The Rooke 8. The Water Owsel 9. The Wood Larke 10. The waterwagtail with the nest 11. The yellow waterwagtail 12. The House Martin 13. The Colemouse 14. The longtailed Titnouse with its nest which is a very remarkable one Two of each of these eggs are put in a litle Box & sent on Wednesday last by John Houldsworth a Bradford Carrier. In a larger Box I sent a pott of more game which I should be glad to hear came to you safe & in good order, you wil find in the large Box a few dryed plants. 1 is a succulent Creeping plant which I met with in June last in most in most [sic] of the lakes of Snowden; I cannot find that it is taken notice of by any one neither do I know to what class to refer it having obtained neither flower nor seed of it I brought Roots of it hither which [?] in a fish pond very wel perhaps the next year I may be able to give you a better account of it Mr Lhwyd in a letter to Dr Robinson from Swansey Glamorganshire Sept. 14 1696 printed in the philosoph: transact: n. 334 says & in one of the Lakes I gatherd a small plant which I suspect to be un described, which perhaps may be the same. 2 Laxifraga antuanalis angushifolia floribus lutais pimetatis Breyn: Centis [?] this I gathered upon Knutsford More in Cheshire where it is very pletyfull. I brought from thence severall roots of it which grow in my garden of which you have a specimen in full flower 3 Crista galli montana angustifolia crpode. [?] this is a comon weed in most of the corn fields for severall miles about Wetherby in the west Riding of Yorkeshire 4 Bitalin [?] 5 Arri aromatic Joh [?] from Holford Cheshire where it grows in plenty in a large moat Dr Kingston of Knutsford a Curiouse Botanist assured me that he had met with it in severall ponds & [?] pitts in that county. if you desire living roots of any plants either from hence or from Wales I hope I can in a great measure furnish you. I have put up in the same Box an Impression of an old seal lathy: [?] washt out of a Bankside nigh Hallyfax; though the Inscription be very legible yet I cannot understand the use of it unles it has been the Sea of some Fraternity That you may enjoy long health & happynesse is the hearty wish of your obliged servant Ric: Richardson North Bierley Aug. 18.1722

Richardson was a physician and botanist who traveled widely in England, Wales, and Scotland in search of rare specimens. He corresponded and exchanged plants with many well-known botanists and naturalists (W. P. Courtney, Richardson, Richard (16631741), rev. Peter Davis, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, May 2010 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/23576, accessed 31 May 2011]).

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