Letter 2891

Richard Richardson to Hans Sloane – April 8, 1727

Item info

Date: April 8, 1727
Author: Richard Richardson
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4048
Folio: ff. 278-279

Original Page


[fol. 278] North Bierley April 8th 1727 Honed Sr About a weeke agoe I returned to this place in very good health & brought with me those few curiosities I had pickt up for yu during my stay in Lancashire which I […] in a Box by John Firth a Bradford Carier who Inns at the White horse Cripplegate you wil find the case of a Barnacle, these birds come in vast numbers in […] – especially in stormy weather to a large piece of marshy ground, nigh the mouth of the river Rible where they only stay a fewe days, & appeare no more that year, the skin of a sea pye, the Red shanke or goble Swipe the cunlin of Mr Johnston (as I take it) though it does not exactly agree with the discription in Weloughbys English edition of his ornithology […] much larger then a Jacksniper & the coloure alsoe different the least Bird id the Stint here called pirrhs this is of a much lighter coloure […] I have seen this kind. I think I have mentioned to yu in one of my letter two or three kinds of sea Ducks in the market of preston which I never observed in any other place they are scarce as large as a wild duck the leggs & beake of all the kinds of a dirty green coloure & the foretoe the longest leggs that I observed one of these quite black only a large red place at the top of the Bill the other two kinds chiefly differ in magnitude the feathers on the back being of a dark grey the head & neck black, the brest being of a dirty yellow the belly white note that cross each wing […] a large bar of white feathers ; I employ’d a man who was very […] birds to preserve me the skins of two or three of these but the Birds being very fat the skins were so tender that he could not get me one skin […] Mr Johnson calls these Scamp […] wil: ornith. drink & says that in a peak of fouthy you shall not observe two exactly alike those are certainly the French Macreuse which are eaten as […] in lent you wil find in the Box a very odd flat fish which to me as a perfect sranger. I have consulted all the Authors [fol. 279] that treats of others that I am master of but can find nothing like it. I have taken the freedome to put up in the Box a small collection of mosses for Mr Philip miller & wil send him by Carier the next week e some plants he desirs from hence for the garden; I am very much obliged to him for a fine present of seeds he sent me, I wil write to him when I send the plants. I have some orderd […] persons who bring fish & turtle into the musket to presume any thing they meet with that is not common & p[…] order a person at […] to achieve it that if any thing he discovered worth your acceptance it shall certainly be sent to you. by your much obliged servnt Ric: Richardson My service to Dr Scheuchzer, I have eaten Knotts severall times in Lancashire, but never show any in the market

Richardson was a physician and botanist who traveled widely in England, Wales, and Scotland in search of rare specimens. He corresponded and exchanged plants with many well-known botanists and naturalists (W. P. Courtney, Richardson, Richard (16631741), rev. Peter Davis, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, May 2010 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/23576, accessed 31 May 2011]).

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