Letter 2906

P. Walkden to Humpfreys – March 19. 1729

Item info

Date: March 19. 1729
Author: P. Walkden
Recipient: Humpfreys

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 84

Original Page


Madam Mr. Fiddes & I have examined the Register of Banking as carefully & exactly as possible from ye first person yt died of ye small pox to ye last that was buried, vir from the 14 of April to February I, since which time we have buried none. In April – 7 May – 14 June – 15 July – 11 Augt – 6 September – 1 February – 1 = 55 This is as true acct as can be given except we had, known before to have mark’d em in ye Register. I should be humbly glad of any opportunity to be serviceable to yo. or any of ye good Family & remain with all due respect, March 19. 1729 Jenkins MactIII Yr. obliged humble Servt P: Walkden

Walkden writes Madam Humfreys to inform her of the number of individuals who have died due to small poxs.

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