Letter 2983

Johann Georg Steigertahl to Hans Sloane – November 30, 1723

Item info

Date: November 30, 1723
Author: Johann Georg Steigertahl
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4047
Folio: ff. 95-96

Original Page


Johann Hermann Kaempfer, nephew of the late Engelbert Kaempfer, is to bring the curiosities to Steigertahl in the next few days. Steigertahl reminds Sloane of how the items are to be paid for. The Royal Family is well. Steigertahl would like to hear how the Prince and Princess of Wales are doing in England. Johann Georg Steigertahl (1666-1740) was the personal physician to George I of England. He was a member of the Royal Society and secured the purchase of Engelbert Kaempfer’s collection of East Asian curiosities for Sir Hans Sloane in 1723 (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Georg_Steigerthal).

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