Letter 3014

Mark Catesby to Hans Sloane – March 12, 1723/24

Item info

Date: March 12, 1723/24
Author: Mark Catesby
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4047
Folio: f. 147

Original Page


[fol. 147] Charles Town March 12 1723/4 Honble Sr. I hope you have ere this received & Capt. Rowe (who sailed from hence the 10 of may last) a Box of fryed Birds, Shels, and Insects. Some which I have done my selfe the honour of writing ye Capt. Clark in ye Crowley Nov 14 last with 2 Books of dried plants. Concluding you have recd those by Capt Rowe I doe not repeat sending any of the same again. with one I sent before I now send 7 kinds of wood peckers which the kinds except one I have discovered in this Country the Shells I now send are an entire collection of what I could ever discover or learn those Coasts afford and of the land and fresh water shels I sent ye Capt. Rowe are likewise all I have seen I am at a loss to […] for want of hearing from you whether all kinds of Birds thus preserved will be acceptable to you or whether those only that are remarkable […] for colour or shape; however the Icons of all I hope to produce which will make no small addition to ye history of Birds I shall Sr send you a Collection of Reptiles as soon as I can procure glasses to put them in The names of ye Birds are Six kinds of woodpeckers IIIIII Jay Blew Bird Lark Red winged Starling Acolchichi of Willingliby’s Appendix To-whee ye black bird with red on ye brest Head of an Oyster catcher Head of ye round crested Mergus I am now setting out for the Cherikees a Nation of Indians 300 miles from this place & who have lately declared War with another Nation which diverts them from inquireing us and gives me an opertunity of going with more safety. what particular commands you’l please to send me Shall be faithfully observed to ye best of my capacity by Sr Yr most Obedient Humble Servt M Catesby

Mark Catesby was a naturalist, influenced by John Ray and Samuel Dale. In 1712 he went to Virginia and collected botanical specimens, gaining the attention of Dr Sherard and Sloane upon his return in 1719. In 1725 he explored the Bahamas and published his ‘The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands’ a year later (F. Nigel Hepper, Catesby, Mark (16831749), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Sept 2012 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/4882, accessed 23 July 2013]).

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