Letter 3116

Ambrose Godfrey Sr. to Hans Sloane – October 14, 1724

Item info

Date: October 14, 1724
Author: Ambrose Godfrey Sr.
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4047
Folio: f. 274

Original Page


[fol. 274] oct: y’e 14 .1724 Sr. Having some request to you, i was yesterday upon my way to wait for you at Mans Coffey House, But growing a little faintish by y’e way & fearing besides to find you in a Hurry & surrounded, to make my request more at leasure i choose to do it this way, w’ch is S’r Hans, that i keep correspondence w’th Mr. Casp. Neuman Pharmacopaeus Aulich’s att Berlin, a virtuoso of no small studies a diligent searcher in Chymistrie, & of a good knowledge both in theorie & practise, for whom mons’r Geoffroy at Paris has great esteem, taking hom commonly w’th him to the academie whilest he was there, & now much in Degree with the Phisicians at Berlin, & particularly with the famous stahlius to whom he is quasi plenamann’s in the Laboratory there his deserts have got him Entrance to the professorship of Chymie as also dr medicine there, who wishes to be inserted to the Royale society here, & it is my believe that he will be no idle member but very useful. Therefore Hon’d S’r if you would please to considre of it & more it to the Hon’ble members i believe Dr. Woodward would back it, i have a collection of Books to make for Mr. Neuman & it will be a week or fourtnight before i shall writ him, wherefore i beg leave to importune you then for an Answer, But please to Excuse The request of y’r much h: serv: Ambrose Godfrey

Ambrose Godfrey Sr. (1660-1741) was a chemist. He was first employed by Robert Boyle and went on to work at Apothecaries’ Hall. Godfrey analyzed the chemical properties of stones, waters, and other materials for Hans Sloane and the Royal Society. His work was published in the Philosophical Transactions from 1731 to 1736 (Lawrence M. Principe, Godfrey, Ambrose, the elder (16601741), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/10865, accessed 14 Aug 2013]).

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