Letter 3218

Thomas Hearne to Hans Sloane – November 16, 1725

Item info

Date: November 16, 1725
Author: Thomas Hearne
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4048
Folio: ff. 87-88

Original Page


[fol. 87] Honoured Sir, I have, as you desire, sent you three Copies (Price 7s. 6d.) of my Letter. It will be time enough to return the Money, when my next Book comes up, tho’ in that you may do as you please. I was mightily pleas’d with the 11d Volume of your expensive Work, that I lately saw for a very little while, as I was also with the 1st Volume, w’ch I saw and perused many Years ago, when I had the liberty of the Boldeian Library. I wish Mr. Thoresby’s Collection were added to your’s, and am, Sir, Your most obl. humble servant Tho: Hearne. Edm. Hall Oxford Nov. 16. 1725.

Thomas Hearne (bap. 1678, d. 1735) was an antiquary and diarist. He began working at the Bodleian Library in 1701. A nonjuror, his refusal to take an oath of allegiance to King George I led to his dismissal from the Bodleian in 1716. Hearne published the works of several English chroniclers (Theodor Harmsen, Hearne, Thomas (bap. 1678, d. 1735), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/12827, accessed 2 June 2011]).

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