Letter 3221

Philip Henry Zollman to Hans Sloane – November 23, 1725

Item info

Date: November 23, 1725
Author: Philip Henry Zollman
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4048
Folio: f. 92

Original Page


[fol. 92] Stockholm 23d Nov. 1725. O.S. Sir Since the sailing of the ship, of which I sent you advice by the Post on the 17th inst:t Dr Benzelius desired me to forward the inclosed Trimestre Secumdum 1725, which accordingly I do my Messenger as far as Hanover. I also send enclosed an Extract of a voyage to Japan which I met with lately in an Auction in the Swedish Tongue. You will be best able to find out whether it ever appeared in any other language, particularly the second part, and consequently if so, I expect your opinion and commands about translating it into English and adding it to Kampfer’s Book. It would give an opportunity to try how much I have improved in this Country’s language. I have not yet been able to supply the defect in the Lapponian Prayerbook. I beg most humbly excuse for this short Letter, and leave to assure Dr Scheuchzer of my best respects and good wishes for the success of his work. I am with the greatest veneration Sir Your most humble and most obedient servant Ph.H. Zollman

Philip Henry Zollman (c. 1680-1748) was the Royal Society’s first Assistant Secretary for Foreign Correspondence, a post he assumed in 1723. He first landed in England in 1714, was trained in several foreign languages, and regularly corresponded with Leibniz (Derek Massarell, ‘Philip Henry Zollman, the Royal Society’s First Assistant Secretary for Foreign Correspondence’, Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 46, no. 2 (1992), 219-234).

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