Letter 3329

Margaret Flamsteed to Hans Sloane – March 24, 1727

Item info

Date: March 24, 1727
Author: Margaret Flamsteed
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4048
Folio: ff. 271-272

Original Page


[fol. 272] Greenwich March ye 24th 1726[/27] Sr If Mr Hodgson had not told me you were pleased to say you wou’d speak to Mr Horace Walpole that the Historia Calestis might be conveyed into France by his Packet, I should not have known how to have asked so desired a favour. It was always my intentions to present the Academy de sciences with these Works of Mr Flamsteeds but I did not know how to tansmit them; and I shall think my self very much obliged to you, Sr, if you will favour me with your assistance in this Affair; being inacquainted in what manner these Book must be introduced, or to whom directed. If you please to give further instructions how I shall proceed in this business your Commands shall be punctually observed, and the favour gratefully acknowledged with great respect by Sr Your Most Humble servant Margaret Flamsteed Sr, Mr Gray promises to deliver this and if you please to give him your commands he will let me know them, Your most humble servant M.F.

Margaret Flamsteed was the widow of the Astronomer Royal John Flamsteed. They married in 1692. John Flamsteed was an astronomer, had a crucial role in the founding the of the Royal Observatory, and participated in academic debates relating to astronomy (Frances Willmoth, Flamsteed, John (16461719), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/9669, accessed 21 June 2013]).

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