Letter 3390

J. Meres to Hans Sloane – October 23, 1727

Item info

Date: October 23, 1727
Author: J. Meres
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4049
Folio: f. 53

Original Page


[fol. 53] 23 Oct:r 1727 Sr I am sorry to hear what has been impar- -ted to me by my Neighbour Justice Milner; I apprehend it must be Countenanc’d by the Secretary & some of the Clerks or other Officers who by Combination may have a good deal of Influence, especially on such as are indifferent & may be Influenc’d by such Pretences & Inducements as they may contrive & whisper; & that they can Act thus, I am sensible by what I have seen. I suppose there is also some Use to be made of ye Sumons or Notice of Paymt: of Fees, because I have recd a printed Notice on that behalf, & the Time limitted I think expires this Day. I should be glad to have an Opportunity of Discoursing with You in these Affairs, in the Conduct of which in other Corporations I have been often Consulted. I shall willingly Appear in Opposition to Ingratitude, & am also with Esteem & Respect Sr Yor most assured hume Servt J Meres turn over P.S. I shall be at home at any time after 3 of the Clock this Afternoon, & will wait on You upon Notice when it may be convenient

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