Letter 3472

Thomas Dereham to Hans Sloane – June 12, 1728

Item info

Date: June 12, 1728
Author: Thomas Dereham
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4049
Folio: ff. 187-188

Original Page


[fol. 187] Rome 12 June 1728 Sir Your favour of ye 26 Aprill is just come to my hands, for which I return you many thanks, as for having communicated the contents of mine unto the R. Society & acquainting me with there having taken it very well & for having sent me the late Transactions, & Sr Isaac Newtons Cronology, an abstract whereof has been only seen in these parts, & putt every body in great expectation, therefore I which that Mr. Green keeps his word with you in forwarding them soone to me, & takes the like care in our future correspondence. The Observations on Venus, & the domus Aureal Neronis by Monsgr Bianchini are both under the press, & his nicety is the occasion of the delay. Here enclosed are the answers of the Professors of Padua to Dr. Rutty, which I entreat you to forward to him, & to tell Mr. Derham that Monsigr Bianchini makes me hope to receive of him soon his Observations on ye Jovial Satellites which I shall send him without loss of time & return the answer I owe unto him. I expect with great impatience the efect of your proposing Dr. James Beccari of Bologna to be Member of ye Society who every day more deserves such a distinction, being one of those that actually in ye Instituto of that Town trieth over again the Optical Experiments of Sr Isaac Newton to confute Rizzetti, & I am informed they all answer exactly, & prove more & more the ingenuity of the first Author. I am with the greatest esteem, & sincerity Your most Obedient, & most humble servant Thomas Dereham

Sir Thomas Dereham (c. 1678-1739) was a British expatriate and Roman Catholic who lived in Italy. He had a close association with the Royal Society (https://collections.royalsociety.org/DServe.exe?dsqIni=Dserve.ini&dsqApp=Archive&dsqCmd=Show.tcl&dsqDb=Persons&dsqPos=0&dsqSearch=%28Surname%3D%27dereham%27%29).

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