Letter 3571

Louis Leon Pajot, Comte d' Ons-en-Bray to Hans Sloane – February 13, 1729

Item info

Date: February 13, 1729
Author: Louis Leon Pajot, Comte d' Ons-en-Bray
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4050
Folio: f. 61

Original Page


Pajot requests that Sloane provide advice to his gardener, who is visiting England. The man would like to view Sloane’s cabinet of curiosities. Louis Leon Pajot (1678-1753) was a Parisian physician. He collected natural and mechanical curiosities, which attracted many visitors including Peter the Great. He made contributions to the Memoires de l’Academie des Sciences and was of member of the said organization (Gaspard Monge, Jean-Dominique Cassini, Pierre Bertholon, and Jean-Henri Hassenfratz, ‘Encyclopedie methodique ou par ordre de matieres: dictionnaire de physique, Volume 4’ (Hotel de Thou, 1822), 231).

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