Letter 3596

Philip Henry Zollman to Hans Sloane – April 11, 1729

Item info

Date: April 11, 1729
Author: Philip Henry Zollman
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4050
Folio: f. 95

Original Page


[fol. 95] Paris 11th April 1729. n.v. Sir, I received yesterday of Mr Woolhouse the three enclosed Disputations, which he desired me to forward to you by the first Messenger. My Lord Kintore being just upon the point of setting out for England, I have recommended this Packet to Mr Frasier who is with him. I have taken the liberty some months ago to send some curiositys to Dr Rutty with my offer of them to you; I have heard nothing from the Doctor, but hope my boldness has met with your excuses in regard of the good intentions I had in doing so. I should think myself very happy if I should be honoured with your command, during my stay in these parts. Mr Poynter is to return to Soissons as soon as their Excellencys Mr Stanhope and Mr Walpole arrive here. Give me leave, sir, to conclude this short letter with recommending myself to your favour and protection being with the greatest zeal imaginable Sir your most humble and most obedient servant P.H. Zollman

Philip Henry Zollman (c. 1680-1748) was the Royal Society’s first Assistant Secretary for Foreign Correspondence, a post he assumed in 1723. He first landed in England in 1714, was trained in several foreign languages, and regularly corresponded with Leibniz (Derek Massarell, ‘Philip Henry Zollman, the Royal Society’s First Assistant Secretary for Foreign Correspondence’, Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 46, no. 2 (1992), 219-234).

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