Letter 3665

Mary Dering to Hans Sloane – September 20, 1729

Item info

Date: September 20, 1729
Author: Mary Dering
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4050
Folio: f. 199

Original Page


[fol. 199] Spring Garden Sept. 20 1729 Sr I make no excuse for not answring [sic] the letter you did me the favour off to Carolina last year, because I have brought at my self, as well as all I could pick up there which is not much, but if there is any thing amongst em worth your acceptance the are at your service I can’t possibly get at them till tusday next, so if you please to give your self the trouble to see them I beg you woud let me know that I may be in the way, there is no possibility of a Coach Coming near this House for I am at Mrs Le Grand Who has left me full possesion for all next Week, being gone out of town her self for that time. So I beg it may be in this week, for I must think of getting a lodging somewhere else, our famely now being grown too large […] interlopers. I only tell you this that you […] at the libberty I take in fixing a time Who am Sr yours very Obedient humble servant Mary Dering

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