Letter 3678

Nicholas Harris to Hans Sloane – October 17, 1729

Item info

Date: October 17, 1729
Author: Nicholas Harris
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4050
Folio: ff. 216-217

Original Page


[fol. 216] Looe Octr 17th. 1729 Much Respected Friend Sr Hans Sloane As thee wer’t pleas’d to give me Leave to advise thee how my Sight was when I return’d I now make bold to Acquaint thee that I gott well home to Morrow will be four weeks & according to thy advice I had this day three weeks an Issue cutt on each shoulder wch proves very well & Discharges much thick white Matter. I have Continued to take the Electuary & Julip wch I bought from London twice every day, Likewise I annoint my Eyes and take my Pills as Directed the Ointment is grown very thick how may I make it Thiner. The Pupill of my Eye grows Bigg & small as I Look to or from the Light it hath as Quick a Motion as other peoples Eyes my Eye Looks very Clear and well & the film on my blinde Eye seems much thinner than it was the sight of the Eye Appears through the Film, yet I cannot see with it I think I’ve gain’d very large Characters wch I could not then do, I deferd my writing there being in hopes I should have messaged faster after having The Issues – pray how much Longer shall I continue taking the Electuary Julep & Pills & to Annoint Mine Eyes, as this Ointment is nigh done pray how or where may I have More, I sent my Man to see thy Patient Townsend who he found writing & in his presence Read a news paper. Shee told him her sight gradually Decay’d for four or five yeares & that shee was blinde about a year & nigh a year recovering her sight & said shee though our Cases n’ere very Nigh alike. Turn Over This Actt comforted me very much. I observe the shades of the Sunn Moon & Candle Light Much more perfect than I have bin able to do for a Long time past. Spectacles nor any other Glasses are of very little service to me. Thy thoughts hereon and thy advice how to proceed will be Esteem’d a great favour by him who is with due Respects thy sincere Friend Nicho Harris Junior

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: Lady Townshend
  • Description

    Sloane's advice is solicited.

  • Diagnosis

    Blindness in one eye.

  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:

    'I had this day three weeks an Issue cutt on each shoulder wch proves very well & Discharges much thick white Matter'. He is taking an electuary, pills, julep, and applying an ointment.

    Ongoing Treatment:

    'I continue taking the Electuary Julep & Pills & to Annoint Mine Eyes'.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Eyes, Eyes