Letter 3809

Richard Richardson to Hans Sloane – May 23, 1702

Item info

Date: May 23, 1702
Author: Richard Richardson
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4038
Folio: ff. 348-349

Original Page


MS 4038 Fol. 348 Worthy Sr I was from home when your obliging letter came hither where I was constrained to stay two or three days soe mist the opportunity of giving answer to yours by the first port. The day I went from home I put up for you a Box of Fossils & deliverd them to John At Kiroa (above) Houldesworth the Bradford carrier who Inns at the white Horse in Crippte: :gate; he wil be in London on Wednesday ^ night next you wil finde cinongil the coale plants some specimens I never had duplicats of exactly an: :swering the desingnes I left for you with Mr Buddle (?) the hary Eruca, the heade of a Cardum or jacea on impress not unlike some of the Tricoides Kinde, but a litle Broken & severall others. The small collection of naturell curiositys I have is at moment in very great confusion occasioned by mercuring them but if those already sent come to you unprejudiced I shall at an other time run over the rest & kind such as I Thinke wil be most pleasing to you. I was with Mr Thoresby yesterday he gives you his service & showed me a letter from Dr Woodward wherein he highly resents the unjustice I have don him by giving you the designes of those Coals plants I had observed, which you was pleased to showeh your Society at the Drs request I left them with him severall hoirs which was long enough to make his observations upon them I am sory I should give any accusion of displeasure either to him or any other in: :genuse person but I thinke his noe injury to him to dispose of my oun I Thinke convenient I am much obliged to him for his great anihty in showing me his collection which is very fine though at the same time wuld not forbeare reflecting upon severall of my friends which I have a great esteeme for he told me before severall gentlemen that I was mistaken in the remarkes I had comunicated to Mr Lhiney & that he had plenty of shells from Inglebough I desired Mr Thoresby long before to acquaint hime that in one part of the hill were there is lime stone I had since my former observation found shels & Sntrouhi which I am sure Mr Thoresby wuld him & I thinke hi more then then he ever woul dve to acknowledge a mistake but the greatest part of the top is the hill consuming of a corse ragg stone & the lower of a fine long stone of which stator for covering houses are made & in bath these which are the 20th part to one of lime stone there is not the least mention of a marine Body Fol. 349 we have very fewe found here in this part of the country which affords neither chalsie limestone or think though the Dr fouls me that all stones would burne to Ailalx which if he can make out I wil be under an obligation to give him a very nouble reward, but I am affraide I have already measied your patience with this discourse. I had some years agoe made some remarkes upon the Coale plants of this country (if I may be allowed soe to call them) with references to the designes you now have but these cure jumbled together with the rest & now not easy to be found but if you have any Quere relating to them when you please to favoure me with a second letter upon notice shalt give you all the satisfaction I can or if either dried specimens or vivd radices of our northern plants may be acceptable to you or any of your Society I shall be very ready to serve you, but I wil not any longer treipes upon your time but desire the favoure of you to believe that I am your assured friend & servant Ric: Richardson North Bierley May 23 702

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