Letter 3815

Benjamin Holloway to Hans Sloane – September 19, 1730

Item info

Date: September 19, 1730
Author: Benjamin Holloway
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: ff. 105-106

Original Page


[fol. 105] Midleton-Stony Sep.19.1730 Honrd Sr Ever since I was last in London I have been engag’d in writing Critical Annotations on the Book of Ecclesiastes, which I design to make publick: but I desir’d first to have laid some chapters before you, particularly the first and the twelfth, in which there is a good deal that is Philosophical; in order here to, I intended to have finished those Chapters first, deferring to write full they were done: But I was diverted from my Course in carrying on the work, which increas’d upon my Hands, and I had some Hindrances, neither is it yet done: However I am asham’d, in waiting for it, to defer longer to make my Acknowledgments for the Favours I received from You when I was in Town; particularly for the sight of Your admirable Collection of Raritys, which I believe is the richest, as well as the largest and most curious, that is to be seen in any one Place; and speaks the universal knowledge, great Genius and spirit of its Collector. for myself, I think it a special Happiness to be known to you, and shall by all means endeavour to merit your good opinion. When I have finish’d the work I am upon I will take the Liberty to transmit those Parts of it to you. If you approve of them I shall have the more Assurance of succeeding with others in the rest. Indeed however well I execute my design, My Obscurity will make it stand in need of your Recommendation; which, of usefull Learning, if I desire, I trust, I shall not want. I am, with great Respect, Sr Your Obliged Humble servant B. Holloway.

Benjamin Holloway (1690/91-1759) was a Church of England Clergyman and religious controversialist. He provided evidence to support the geological theories of John Woodward, which were published in the Philosophical Transaction. In 1723, with Sir Hans Sloane’s support, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. Holloway published many books on religious topics (Scott Mandelbrote, Holloway, Benjamin (1690/911759), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/13572, accessed 25 July 2013]).

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