Letter 3863

Johann Georg Kisner to Hans Sloane – January 26, 1731

Item info

Date: January 26, 1731
Author: Johann Georg Kisner
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: ff. 178-179

Original Page


Kisner sends some of his writings with a packet from Ehrhart. He is researching minerals with the support of Lund, Woodward, and Petiver. Kisner has a small cabinet of curiosities and plans on publishing a catalogue of its contents. He hopes the natural historical work of the late Mr Wolfart is published and briefly discusses botany. A physician from ‘Altorff’ wants his work published in the Philosophical Transactions. Kisner laments the death of John Gaspar Scheuchzer. Johann Georg Kisner (fl. 1708-20s) was a German physician and collector of natural history.

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