Letter 3878

Caleb Lowdham to Hans Sloane – February 17, 1730/31

Item info

Date: February 17, 1730/31
Author: Caleb Lowdham
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: ff. 197-198

Original Page


[fol. 197] Exeter in Devon Feb. 17. 1730/1 Hond Sr Yu recd ye begining of ye last month, & the Gout falling into my right Hand depriv’d me ’till now of acknowledging so great a favr, wch has created (pardon my impertinence) farther trouble by ye following acct if not beneath the notice: it is of a Water-fowl I saw Oct. 30. last, suppos’d to have been driven from ye N. West by violent storms wch we had at that time, and dropt from ye top of an House in this Citty where it was taken up; & seem’s a non-descript in Mr Willoughby’s Hist. of Birds & likewise in Mr Ray’s posthumous works – the Head, Back, & Wings black – the Breast under parts of ye Wings, & Body duskish, it was well clad with downy Feathers & smelt fishy – it weighed 3/8 of an ounce – the Bill 1/2 Inch long, a little hook’d – from ye tip of ye Bill to ye Tail end 6 Inches – the extent of ye Wings beyond ye Tail in it’s natural position 3/4 Inche – the extremity of ye Wings when extended 14 Inches – extent of the longest Quill feather 4 5/8 Inches – the covert feathers of ye Wings were tipp’d whitish, wch made a very small transverse line – but under ye Wings ran a transverse line of white, larger towards ye Body near 3/4 of an Inch – the Tail 2 Inches long, & even, white 3/4 Inch next ye Body, the extremity black – Leg 7/8 Inch, bare of feathers – the Feet Web’d & without a back Toe – ye length of ye Foot 3/4 Inch – the Thigh 1/4 Inch. pray excuse this trouble of yr humble sert Caleb Lowdham

Lowdham describes a waterfowl in detail.

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