Letter 3884

Cecilia Garrard to Hans Sloane – March 10, 1730/31

Item info

Date: March 10, 1730/31
Author: Cecilia Garrard
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: f. 206

Original Page


[fol. 206] Sr: Haveing many obligations, both for ye tolerable good state of Health I at present enjoy w:ch I impute to the benefit recei:d from the prescriptions you favor’d me w:th & likewise S:r for yr friendly endeavors (tho it did not please God to bless the means w:th equal success) for the recovery of my Dearest Relations, cannot but m:ch regret ye want of opportunity to express more suteable acknowledgements than empty thanks, I shall think my self still farther endebted if S:r you’ll please to accept this small dish of Fish, w:ch coming this moment to my hand have ventured to send, in hopes tho they are not alive no difference will be distinguished when served to your Table. I will not now trouble you with additional lines but subscribe Sr: Yr Servant Cecilia Garrard Greenstreet March 30th, 1730/1

Cecillia Garrard (nee Steed) was the wife of Sir Nicholas Garrard (1665-1727), 3rd Baronet of Langford. They married in 1671 (‘Hundred of South Greenhoe: Langford’, An Essay towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: volume 6 (1807), pp. 20-26. URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=78224).

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