Letter 3921

Pa: Adair to Plucknet –

Item info

Author: Pa: Adair
Recipient: Plucknet

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4066
Folio: f. 250-251

Original Page


Honoured Sir Be pleased to accept of the inclosed Seeds of Bangue, (the freshest I could pick out) together with some of the Plant; untill I can Spare So much time, as to examine whither there may be any other worth your tryall amongst those samples I brought from India: which I shall doo sometime this week, or in the beginning of the next, And you shall then, be attended by Sir Your true friend & humble Servant Pa: Adair London Thursday Att. 10 in the morning

Patrick Adair sent Dr. Leonard Plukenett Bangue seeds along with a portion of the plant. Adair informs Plukenett of some additional specimens that he collected in India. Adair assures Plukenett that he will examine the specimens from India in the coming weeks to determine whether any of them will be “worth [Plukenett’s] tryall.” Patrick Adair (1624?-1693/4) was a Presbyterian minister and historian. (Finlay Holmes, ‘Adair, Patrick (1624?–1693/4)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/83, accessed 1 May 2015]).

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