Letter 3953

Margaret Gilleland to Hans Sloane – March 9, 1691 [?]

Item info

Date: March 9, 1691 [?]
Author: Margaret Gilleland
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4036
Folio: f. 112

Original Page


[fol. 112r]

Ballygowan 9th of Mar 1691 my dear bai^r^ne

Your nurse deseires to hear of your welfare the last
time youe and I spoke together was in nowrie youe
asked me what Condition I was in I told yowe that I
was in an indifferent Condision I nothes had noe wants
and yawr kindness was to me as yoye youe disarired most me
to writ to yowe owsne [?] your but I was wory hath to
truble yow till now that I am forsed to do it if
you will be plleased to helpe me noue it will do
me a great dell of good according as I nursed youe
I hope you will Remember me acording as (for youe
desiered me to Lurne the boy so far I have don As
far as it lay in my poure soo I hear that your mother
is dead and that I am sorrie for it for she was
a good frind to me dear son to send me the answer
of that this leter with your brothers James Ballie
no mor at present but rests your humbles nurs
Servant der son
Margarett Gilleland

Hous is to let you no If at Wo[torn]re streped
In the nourre lik as many shop and nothing

The last time Gilleland and Sloane spoke he asked about her health. She was in an ‘indiferent Condision’ at that time. Gilleland writes that Sloane’s mother Sarah is dead.

According to the British Library Catalogue Margaret Gilleland was Sloane’s foster mother.

Patient Details