Letter 4003

Weichmann to Scheuchzer – Nov. 2d. 1729.

Item info

Date: Nov. 2d. 1729.
Author: Weichmann
Recipient: Scheuchzer

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: ff. 80-81

Original Page


Honour’d Sir, With great joy I allways re-member the honour of your kind conversation, which I reckon to be one of the greatest pleasures England offer’d to me. It increa-ses the more after my absence as I have the honour to be your Brother Fellow in respect to of the Royal Society, and I shou’d have shown that oftner, if providence had not sent me (just after my retur-ning to Hamborough) in a corner of Germany far of from the water-side, and where I am every day in perpetual business [&?] is now about a Year, when I had fi-nish’d my journey [trou?] [through?] the Low-Country’s and at the same Time was call’d to be Coun-sellor and Privy-Secretary to His Highness the Duke of Bruns-wyk Blankenboroug being allies in Said to the Emperor of Vienna and Grand=Father to that of Russia the place where I live in the Hart of the great [Biruterus?] and the famous [backn…nd?] [&?] between mines of iron, cropper and silver, and gives the opportunity enough to Satisfy my curiosity in those Things well as to send any Remarks about ‘em to the Society which I will as soon as I have some leisure. Mean while as a Catalogue of the Fellows soon will be printed, I must desire You to do me the favour and to order, that my Name may be inser=ted in the following Manner: C.F. Weichmann, Ser: dur. Br. [et?] Lun. à consit. [et?] Bau. Jur. in Un. Of. [I?] I am in every manner truly and really Honour’d Sir, Your most dutifull and most ready Servant Weichmann. Blankenborough, Nov. 2d. 1729.

Weichmann informs Scheuchzer that he has been the Counsellor and Privy-Secretary to the Duke of Brunswyk for approximately one year. He also tells Scheuchzer how he would like his name to be recorded in the Catalogue of Fellows once it is printed. Christian Frederic Weichmann, BCL Oxon.; Privy Councillor to the Duke of Brunswick-Lüneberg (‘James Petiver, FRS Apothecary to the Charter-House: Miscellaneous correspondence’ British Library [http://searcharchives.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/display.do?dscnt=1&fromLogin =true&doc=IAMS040-002116460&displayMode=full&dstmp=1432649891937&vid=IAMS_ VU2&ct=display&tabs=detailsTab&fromLogin=true&fromLogin=true, accessed 16 July 2015]).

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