Letter 4024

P.H. Zollman to Rutty – 15th/26 Novr 1728

Item info

Date: 15th/26 Novr 1728
Author: P.H. Zollman
Recipient: Rutty

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 63-64

Original Page


Sir During my stay here no opportunity offered that might have furnished me with the pleasure of writing a line to you. However during all last summer I have not been wanting to look out for something or other to be sent to the Royal Society against the reassumtion of their Assemblies for this winter. Accordingly you will receive some time hence by the Dover Coach a square wooden Box directed to you and marked Zo, which sets out from Paris to day: it contains various Fossils found in the neighborhood of this Place, which in company with the Honble Robert Trevor Esqr, Son to the Right Honourable the Lord Privy Seal, have been gathered in different Places. I have drawn up a list and general account of them, which you will find in the Box, and which I beg you would be pleased Dr Rutty: to lay before the Assembly. This place affording little else that might be in your way, I shall only mention that Montalant and other Booksellers at Paris are taking in Subscriptions for publishing in French The History of the Royal Academy of Sciences since its Establishment in the year 1666 to 1699 &c in 13 volumes in 4[to?]. The whole Payment is one Hundred livres French to be made on 7 Terms, and two volumes of it to be published in February next. The same Booksellers are preparing a French Translation of the Abridge–ment of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, to be printed in the same form as the foregoing Book. Through I do not question but the Booksellers in London have already got the Proposals from Paris, yet in all events I thought my sending you a Copy would be accep–table. I got it at Paris, from whence I returned yesterday. M. Montalant informed me, that several several able hands are actually at work in translating the Abridgement of the Philosophical Transactions, and that the Proposals for printing the same will soon be published. I am with the most sincere attachment Sir Your most humble and most obedient Servant P.H. Zollman. Decr. 18. 1729 Copied.

Zollman sent Dr. Rutty a box of fossils, which he may “lay before the Assembly.” Zollman informs Dr. Rutty “that Montalant and other Booksellers at Paris are taking in Subscriptions for publishing in French The History of the Royal Academy of Sciences since its Establishment in the year 1666 to 1699[.]” Zollman notes that “[t]he same Booksellers are preparing a French Translation of the Abridge–ment of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society[.]” Philip Henry Zollman (c. 1680-1748) was the Royal Society’s first Assistant Secretary for Foreign Correspondence, a post he assumed in 1723. He first landed in England in 1714, was trained in several foreign languages, and regularly corresponded with Leibniz (Derek Massarell, ‘Philip Henry Zollman, the Royal Society’s First Assistant Secretary for Foreign Correspondence’, Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 46, no. 2 (1992), 219-234).

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