Letter 4025

John Andrew to Mortimer – [feb?] 5th 1736

Item info

Date: [feb?] 5th 1736
Author: John Andrew
Recipient: Mortimer

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: ff. 116-117

Original Page


Letter was difficult to read; text was faded and illegible in several places. John Andrews writes to Dr. Mortimer: “according to your Request I here send you for Sr. Hans Sloane all the Thisess relating to Physick or that I could get[.]” Andrew informs Dr. Mortimer that he is yet to acquire Dr. [Linous?]’s dissertation but assures him that once he does, he will send it to Sr. Hans Sloane along with any other physick dissertations that he acquires. Andrew notifies Dr. Mortimer that he is willing to provide Sr. Hans Sloane an account of the catalogue that was sent to him by [Lanzerauk / Lanzerack?]. According to Andrew, the catalogue contains insects which he suggests “are the best preserved [he] ever saw.” Andrew tells Dr. Mortimer that “[a]t the same Place where [he] saw this Cabinet are many Serpents Scorpions, [&] small Crocadiles[.]” Andrew suggests “if Sr. Hans pleases to send [him] any commissions relating to these things, [he will] exeicute them to the best of [his] Power.

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