Letter 4028

Ch Lamotte to Scheuzer – ye 28 oct 1727

Item info

Date: ye 28 oct 1727
Author: Ch Lamotte
Recipient: Scheuzer

Library: British Library
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: ff. 24-25

Original Page


Sr I write to you sometimes since to return you my thanks for your kind intirposing in my being chosen of your Society But [that they?] shurly have miscaried I write a second to desire to know of you whethr it will necessary for me to be in town ye 30 of novbr & whethr January or February wch are my months of [waiting?] at Whitehall may not do as well for I am 60 mile off & ye [road?] are very bad howevr if it is necessary & I can bee of any use to Sr Hans Sloane in ye election of a President wch place I think he so well deserves & upon so many accounts is so qualified Sir nothing [will?] hindr me from coming I would take a much greatr journey to sho how much I am his & your most obedt Servant Ch Lamotte Sr ye 28 oct 1727 to [hinton?] by Kettering Northamptonshire My little piece is not yet [onely?] ye slow=ness of ye book seller but when it does I will send you one & Sr H. Sloane I hope to present something to the Royal Society you may Sr. direct to me by ye [Post?] Mrs I [Had?] & her sister have [been?] .. .. wch I shall be glad to know whethr he or they use in to [wh?] my [very?] humble service to Sr Hans

Other notes: Charles Lamotte thanks Dr. Scheuchzer for recommending him to the Royal Society. Lamotte inquires whether he needs to be in town “ye 30 of novbr[.]” Lamotte expresses that it will be very difficult for him to come to town during the months of January and February but assures Dr. Scheuchzer that if he can assist “Sr Hans Sloane in ye election of a President … nothing [will?] hindr [him] from coming[.]” Charles Lamotte (d. 25 February 1742) was elected fellow of the Royal Society on June 22, 1727 (‘List of Fellows of the Royal Society 1660-2007’ The Royal Society, July 2007 https://royalsociety.org/~/media/Royal_Society_Content/about-us/fellowship/Fellows1660-2007.pdf, accessed 29 May 2015]).

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