Letter 4053

Jo: Burnet to J. Petiver –

Item info

Author: Jo: Burnet
Recipient: J. Petiver

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 293

Original Page


My Dear friend I begg pardon for not waiting [of?] you on Sunday but the reason was because I don’t goe away till Thursday or fryday and I inted you shall be one of the last I take my farewell off, I received your packetts and you may be sure I’l take care of them. I am Sir Your Most obedient Servt While Jo: Burnet

Burnet apologies to Petiver for not waiting upon him on Sunday. John Burnet worked as a surgeon for the South Sea Company in the West Indies and later served as the Physician to King Philip V of Spain. (‘James Petiver, FRS Apothecary to the Charter-House: Miscellaneous correspondence’ British Library [http://searcharchives.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/display.do?dscnt=1&fromLogin =true&doc=IAMS040-002116460&displayMode=full&dstmp=1432649891937&vid=IAMS_ VU2&ct=display&tabs=detailsTab&fromLogin=true&fromLogin=true, accessed 16 July 2015])

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