Letter 4078

William Yeend to Hans Sloane – September 18, 1732

Item info

Date: September 18, 1732
Author: William Yeend
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: ff. 188

Original Page


[fol. 188] Sep ye 18: 1732 Honoured Sir I made bould to Acquaint your Honour And the rest of the gentlemen of the honourable sosiaty The for som years past I have been colecting old Coyn And somtime ago among the rest I bought Imp otho Imp Domision and Claudious sacer all thre doog up at Witchester aplase for variety and Cirosoty that Camdin In pay 147 have taken notice that the Royal sosity Had many things therehence It answers In speed Cennet and Addonon had revers and Letter Exactly beleeve it to be the right pece. I had grate Incorigement To rite to your honour to have you Judgment of it Sir I hope your honour will Excuse the speling and my taking liberty In riting to you I have paid the pos no more at present I am your honours umbl sarvant Wm yeend Glocester If you would be pleased to guid me an answer Direct to Wm yeend near St Mickls church Glowster on the burst is Imp: otho: caesar: aug: tri: pol On the revers pax. orbis: terranum

William Yeend, of Gloucester.

Patient Details