Letter 4095

R: Harrison to Jas. Emson – Monday afternoon 4 o Clock

Item info

Date: Monday afternoon 4 o Clock
Author: R: Harrison
Recipient: Jas. Emson

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 366

Original Page


Sir The bearer waits upon you with mine & my wifes complimts., & to let you know that your Mama has condescended to oblige Us wth her Company this Evening at Lambeth; I hope it will not be long [er?] you make us the Visit so often promised; I am wth. Complimts. to the Rest of the Family Sir Yr. most hble Servant, R: Harrison Monday afternoon 4 o Clock

Richard Harrison informs James Emson that he and his wife are meeting with Emson’s mother later in the evening. Harrison expresses his desire to see Emson soon.

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