Letter 4129

Johannes Phillipus Breynius to Hans Sloane – November 18th 1733

Item info

Date: November 18th 1733
Author: Johannes Phillipus Breynius
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4053
Folio: f. 84

Original Page


Breynius writes to Sloane asking for forgiveness in not replying to his last two letters (december and april) due to the mortifying loss of his 11 year old son, leaving him with only one at 18. He thanks Sloane for the valuable present of Mr Catsby’s Natural History and would like to see Martyn’s Historia Plantemum if its not too much trouble. He does not doubt that Mr. Houstoun will make great discoveries in Natural History on his voyages and hopes that through Slaone, he may partake in them. He confirms he received a collection of shells Sloane sent him some years ago and thanks him very much. He goes on to mention Dr. Sullius’s publishing on the worms in Holland and credits the Royal Society for his success. He promises to send Sloane some seeds and other natural things in spring. He sends thanks from Mr. Klein for Catesby’s history. Johann Philipp Breyne (1680-1764) German botanist, palaeontologist, zoologist, entomologist, and Fellow of the Royal Society (1703).

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