Letter 4156

Thos. Ackres to Petiver – 12 a Clock

Item info

Date: 12 a Clock
Author: Thos. Ackres
Recipient: Petiver

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 249

Original Page


Sr My Master had giveen Me orders to put up those things forr you by 6 a Clock and by seven they where Ready but the misenge[r?] you sent ffor them Reced an Answer ffrom the Maide of the house and never Came into the garden [so?] that I never herd of him being there till after he was gone, but I hope there has been no Disopointment I am yr. hu. ser. Thos. Ackres No 2 Royll. gard. 12 a Clock.

Thomas Ackres notifies James Petiver that he missed the messenger Petiver sent to the Royal Gardens. There is additional text on the envelope, which appears to be written in Petiver’s hand. Author’s handwriting on the envelope is largely unintelligible and therefore difficult to decipher however; it appears to be a list or inventory of plants and/or something botanical in nature.

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