Letter 4158

George Carpenter to Hans Sloane – February 15th 1733

Item info

Date: February 15th 1733
Author: George Carpenter
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4053
Folio: f. 168

Original Page


(fol. 1684)

London Feb 15: 1733

Sir A Guinea Cock and Hen were given mee last Aprill which I sent to my House at Wilsden in Midlx. where they proved such extraordinary breeders that tho’ the Hen Hapned to be kil’d ^by a dogg^ the of thee summer as shee was sitting upon her Nest upon eleaven eggs, which were near Hatching; Net I had bred from this pair of fowls in this season only; forty Nine young ones, which at Cause to Be as bigg as the old ones (except one who I send you as a Curiosity on being a Monster) Besides several eggs that were spoil’d or Never formd, as the hen always made her Nest in some very private place in ye fields.   The Bird I send you has Not grown near so large as any of the others, and has three leggs: one of = which is Not used by the Creature in Walking; Butt Grows out from a sort of thigh which (as I Apprehend) Joyns to the rump bone, and has a plain foot with four Claws, of a flesh Colour, Butt seems to look a little Withered like a legg that Has had some Hurt.   Thee Creature is very lively: and seems to be in as good Health as any, of the rest.

I am Sir

Yr Very Humble Sevnt


George Carpenter

Carpenter writes of some extraordinary breeders, eggs, and his own breeding of fowls this season, and sends Sloane one curious egg that was a monster, larger than all the others.

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