Letter 4182

Jezreel Jones to Pettifer –

Item info

Author: Jezreel Jones
Recipient: Pettifer

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 391

Original Page


Mr: Pettifer I met not with your note till just now and as I interpreted it my boy writ it you will pardon the fault, it is as much (as ye time would give me leave) to the sence of ye letter, as maybe though my boy has not writ it well, your generosity will be, as it is always, candid, to think I am with the greatest readiness to serve you, as well as believe that I will be with all esteem. sr. yr. most humb servt Jezreel Jones My boy carrys yr. Plants which are all done. pray send me the seeds by him.

Jezreel Jones was a traveler and diplomat known for his Arabic skills. He was elected clerk to the Royal Society in 1698 and chosen as British envoy to Morocco in 1704 (Elizabeth Baigent, Jones, Jezreel (d. 1731), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/15022, accessed 3 July 2013]).

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